
The Commonwealth

In this days in which we are asked to keep away from the world, I want to talk about something that unifie a big part of the english speaking world, the Commonwealth. But first of all WHAT IS THE COMMONWEALTH ? The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 53 countries that share historical and cultural ties, and in many of them English is the official language. Most of these territories once belonged to the British Empire (except for Mozambique and Rwanda, which were never colonies of the British Empire), here you have all the integrants :                                                                                                                                                                                                                        This countries recognize queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom as leader of the Commonwealth. Each country is independent and has its own political system altough some like Canada or Australia continue to maintain a link with t

How will be travelling after covid-19 ?

When we think about spaces and exchanges, the first think that comes to our minds is travelling, as in other aspects of our lives travelling won't be the same after all what happened, but how different will it be ? First of all people will prefer to travel by train instead of using airplane, because of a lot of reasons, the first one, because is cheaper, another reason is that a lot of countries have a good train system, for example european countries, we could easily go in train from Madrid to Moscu or from Paris to Istaambul. Another reason to use train and not the plain is the ventilation. Train windows can be opened but not the ones of the plain, so it would be easier to get infected. Those who will use the plain will be subdued to a lot of controls and will have to do much more checking and paperwork, travel by plain wiil be very expensive, firstly because companies will need to recover from the pandemic, and because travellers will have to get visas, probably before trav

Coronavirus: The words you need to understand the news

1)    An   aerosol   can refer to when liquid or solid particles are dispersed in a gas, usually the air. Fog, mist, and smoke are   aerosols . Those tiny particles themselves can be called   aerosols . In epidemiology ,  aerosols  specifically refer to tiny particles (under 5  micrometers ) containing a virus or other infectious agent. These particles get exhaled in a fine mist when an infected person talks or breathes, and then can get easily inhaled by other people. Larger particles (over 5 micrometers) are referred to as  respiratory droplets  or simply  droplets , and are expelled when coughing or sneezing. Droplets fall to the ground within 3–6 feet (1–2 meters), while  aerosols  can remain in the air longer and spread farther. If an infectious agent becomes suspended in the air in tiny particles, it is said to be  aerosolized . The spread of a disease through the air can be called  aerosol transmission  or  airborne  transmission . The virus causing COVID-19 is known to s


Cartoon 1: Ace computers, by Harvey Schwadron Cartoon 2: Working from home, by Mark Dubovsky In the world of today we depend more and more of the technologies, of the internet, definetely on virtual spaces, but we can´t forgot the real world because that is our nature as human beings, because even if we pass the day in front of screens I'm sure that everyone in this planet like to see pictures of landscapes or of animals so How far is the boundary between real and virtual spaces becoming increasingly blurred nowadays ? Cartoon 1 : On this cartoon we can see a man walking on the street he might be going working we could suppose because he has a binder. At the back we can see a car which could make us think that we are in a city. Behind the car we see buildings and the sun so we know we are in the day. At the left side of the cartoon we can see a store, probably a store of computers in which they give an alternative to normal tourism : The eco-tourism. When we think about

Baccalauréat mind map

On the mind map the clear-cut is evident, there is the distinction between real spaces and exchanges and virtual spaces and exchanges. The first one englobe everything that is real and exist phisically like for instance cities, they make the distinction between cities, classes, neighborhoods or the difference between the first world and the third one. Virtual spaces and exchanges embrace everything linked to internet, cellulars,computers... The  blogosphere  is made up of all  blogs  and their interconnections. The term implies that blogs exist together as a connected  community  or as a  social networking service  in which authors can publish their opinions. Since the term exist, is also used to refer to the Internet. A  computer network  is a  digital   telecommunications network  for sharing resources between  nodes , which are  computing devices  that use a common telecommunications technology. Ethnic neighborhood is one where there is a disproportionate presence of members of

Written expresion

Sujet 1 : It is 2022. You are Bill Ford inaugurating the new building you bought in 2018. Write                  the speech you are going to make. In 2018 when I bought this building, some of you said that I was crazy, that I was going to ruin, now as I see on your faces I think, you have changed of opinion, that you now belief in the re-emerging of our dear city, the city that saw birth Ford company but also the industralisation of our wonderful and prestigious country. The inaugaration of this buiding doesn't mean only the end of a personal Project that I had since I was Little but also the begining of a new era a new era for our city, a new era of development, to make proud of their city to all Detroit's citizens but also to give example of how a city can re-emerge with work and passion. And finally I want to thanks all the people that believed in my dream and supported me always. Sujet 2: "Happiness is a place called…" Finish the sentence and explain your

"Elephant" a Gus Van Sant movie (2003)

1) What struck you most in the film ? What strucked me most in the film is the environment that the director creates, we can feel as if we were there and feel how the characters feel. Also the movie take place at the school and we are students so some things that are in the movie also happen in our every day school live . 2) What also impressed you ? Also impressed me how the director did to make cross the path of three characters at the same time, more concretely in the corridor when elias take a picture of John . 3) Did you find anything more particularly upsetting ? I think that the fact of filming the characters from behind is very interesting but also upsetting because is not usual to watch a movie like this . 4) What did you find very disturbing ? I find very disturbing how easily Eric and Alex get heavily armed in the school and how nobody stop them before starting the shooting .