How will be travelling after covid-19 ?
When we think about spaces and exchanges, the first think that comes to our minds is travelling, as in other aspects of our lives travelling won't be the same after all what happened, but how different will it be ? First of all people will prefer to travel by train instead of using airplane, because of a lot of reasons, the first one, because is cheaper, another reason is that a lot of countries have a good train system, for example european countries, we could easily go in train from Madrid to Moscu or from Paris to Istaambul. Another reason to use train and not the plain is the ventilation. Train windows can be opened but not the ones of the plain, so it would be easier to get infected. Those who will use the plain will be subdued to a lot of controls and will have to do much more checking and paperwork, travel by plain wiil be very expensive, firstly because companies will need to recover from the pandemic, and because travellers will have to get visas, probably before trav
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