"Elephant" a Gus Van Sant movie (2003)

1) What struck you most in the film ?

What strucked me most in the film is the environment that the director creates, we can feel as if we were there and feel how the characters feel. Also the movie take place at the school and we are students so some things that are in the movie also happen in our every day school live .

2) What also impressed you ?

Also impressed me how the director did to make cross the path of three characters at the same time, more concretely in the corridor when elias take a picture of John .

3) Did you find anything more particularly upsetting ?

I think that the fact of filming the characters from behind is very interesting but also upsetting because is not usual to watch a movie like this .

4) What did you find very disturbing ?

I find very disturbing how easily Eric and Alex get heavily armed in the school and how nobody stop them before starting the shooting .

5) What was most shocking ?

It was very shocking how easy is to get a gun and how they deliver it at home without asking anything or with a special licence .

6) What does the film suggest about the two scool shooters ?

The film suggest that the two shooters are bullied at school by the jocks (popular pupils)

7) What's more what does the director make clear about the two killers ?

The director make clear that what they are doing is not a revenge because they are bullied but only because they are deranged, we can know it because there first victim is a "nerd".

8) What kind of approach to the school shooting itself did Gus Van Sant opt for ?

Gus Van Sant opt for give a realistic approach showing us a normal day in a school and how it turns into a terrorific day in the school. 


9) Moreover, what's the main consequence of the realistic treatment he uses? What about the 'poetic' touches he instills throughout the film ?

The consequence of the realistic treatment he uses is that we are in tension during all the movie. He uses a lot of poetic touches such as the part when Alex plays piano or when he shows the sky .

10) As a conclusion, what must we admit about the way in which the killing and the killers are perceived by the film viewers ?

At the begining we feel bad for them because they are bullied and don't seem to have a lot of friends but then we hate them because they kill everyone without exception and also looked as if they were having fun wich is very frustrating. 


  1. OK Jose but most of your answers are really too short and sketchy.

    10 Questions 08 /15
    1- 0,75
    2- 0,25
    3- 0,5
    4- 0,75
    5- 0,5
    6- 0,75
    7- 1,25
    8- 0,5
    9- 1,5
    10- 1,25
    Choice & Layout of Pictures: 4/5
    Overall Mark: 12 /20


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