
Showing posts from January, 2020


Every day in the United States, more than 100 lives are taken by the deadly epidemic of gun violence . Among young people, gun violence has become a top cause of death, second only to drug overdoses. That´s why the movement "March for our lives" was created, to fight against guns in the United States. They have a clear plan to reduce the number of deaths because of guns call " C.H.A.N.G.E .": - C hange the standards of gun ownership - H alve the rate of gun deaths in 10 years - A ccountability for the gun lobby and industry - N ame a director of gun violence prevention - G enerate community-based solutions - E mpower the next generation As for every movement there are a lot of mottos to make people aware of the problem. One that I particulary liked is the following one: "Arms are for hugging". This slogan is a pun with the word arms, which means the part of the body but also the weapon, in both case the sentence has a sense, that´s why it´s