Washington redskins name controversy

What is cultural appropriation ? Also called sometimes cultural misappropiation, is the adoption of elements of one culture by members of another culture. It can be controversial when members of a dominant culture appropiate from disvantaged minority cultures .

That is the case of the Washington redskins NFL team that appropiated the name but also the look of the natives americans.

Washington redskins logo


Natives americans have been questioning the use of the name and image since the 1960s, while the topic has received public attention since 1990s. Native americans demanding change include tribal nations, national tribal organizations, civil rights organizations, and individuals. The largest of these organizations, the "Natiojnal congress of American Indians" counted the number of member tribes as 1.2 million individuals in 2013.
According to the "American psycological Association", over 115 professional organizations representing civil rights have published resolutions and policies concluding that the use of Natives American names or symbols by non-native sports teams is a form of ethnic sterotyping that promotes prejudices contributing to other problems faced by Native Americans.
The case of the Washington redskins is just one example of a lot in the United States.


The number of high schools and college teams using the redsakins name has been decreasing. There is also a growing number of public officials, sports commentators and other journalists asking a change.


  1. OK José but what is the connection with the key issue discussed in class in relation to the myth of the noble savage?


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